此研究成果發表於聲譽卓著之美國化學會化學生物學期刊 (ACS Chem. Biol. 2014, 9, 390.)
ABSTRACT: A new chemical method for the traceless labeling of glycoproteins with synthetic boronic acid (BA)-tosyl probes was successfully developed. The BA moiety acts as an affinity head to direct the formation of a cyclic boronate diester with the diol groups of glycans. Following this step, the electrophilic tosyl group is displaced by an SN2 reaction with a nucleophilic residue of the boronated glycoprotein, and finally, a reporter group is tagged onto the glycoprotein via an ether linkage. In the presence of polyols, a competition reaction recovers the native glycan of the tagged glycoprotein, conserving its biological significance. The BA-tosyl probes were used successfully for the specific labeling of glycosylated fetuins in a mixed protein pool and from crude Escherichia coli (E. coli) lysate. Further, a BA-tosyl–functionalized glass slide was used to fabricate glycoprotein microarrays with highly conserved glycans. By interacting with various lectins (carbohydrate-binding proteins), such as Concanavalin A (Con A) and wheat germ agglutinin (WGA), the types of carbohydrates and specific linkages of glycoproteins (α or β) could be systematically monitored. It is believed that the newly developed method will greatly accelerate the understanding of glycoproteins.
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本實驗室於2014年之研究成果:A mild removal of Fmoc group using sodium azide
發表於:Amino Acids 2014, 46, 367.
Abstract : A mild method for effectively removing the
fluorenylmethoxycarbonyl (Fmoc) group using sodium
azide was developed. Without base, sodium azide completely
deprotected Na-Fmoc-amino acids in hours. The
solvent-dependent conditions were carefully studied and
then optimized by screening different sodium azide
amounts and reaction temperatures. A variety of Fmocprotected
amino acids containing residues masked with
different protecting groups were efficiently and selectively
deprotected by the optimized reaction. Finally, a biologically
significant hexapeptide, angiotensin IV, was successfully
synthesized by solid phase peptide synthesis
using the developed sodium azide method for all Fmoc
removals. The base-free condition provides a complement
method for Fmoc deprotection in peptide chemistry and
modern organic synthesis.
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本實驗室於2014年最新研究成果發表於美國化學會有機化學期刊 The Journal of Organic Chemistry
利用一價銅催化之Dihydropyrimidinone之合成及其在beta-amino acid衍申物之合成
A copper(I)-catalyzed synthesis of substituted dihydropyrimidin-4-ones from propargyl amides via the formation
of ketenimine intermediate has been successfully developed; the synthesis afforded good isolated yields (80−95%). The mild
reaction conditions at room temperature allow the reaction to proceed to completion in a few hours without altering the
stereochemistry. Further, by involving a variety of reactive nucleophiles, the obtained substituted dihydropyrimidin-4-ones were
elegantly transformed into the corresponding β- and β3-amino acid analogues.
J. Org. Chem. 2014, 79, 1254.
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check in 中
LPC group 卡丁車賽
Double S girls
打到會變 笨!!
Ph. D
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恭喜LPC group專題生:
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