
指導教授 Principal Investigator


林伯樵 教授  Prof. Dr. Po-Chiao Lin



Curriculum Vitae

 Personal Information

Po-Chiao Lin 林伯樵

                Address: Department of Chemistry, No. 70, Lienhai Rd., Kaohsiung 80424, Taiwan

               TEL: 886-7-5253913

               FAX: 886-7-5253913





            B.S.   Department of chemistry, National Taiwan Normal University, 1997-2001

            M.S. Department of chemistry, National Taiwan Normal University, 2001-2003

PhD Taiwan International Graduate Program (English Program, Academia Sinica)

and Departmrnt of Chemistry, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, 2005-2008


Employment History


Oct 2003-Jul 2005

Research Assistant (National Defense Service), Institute of Chemistry, Academia Sinica, Taiwan.

Aug 2008-Jan 2009

Post-doctoral research fellow, Department of Chemistry, Nation Tsing Hua University


Post-doctoral research fellow, Institute for Molecular Physiology, Max-Planck Institute, Germany

 Department of Chemical Biology


Position Held


Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan


Academia Award


1. Max-Planck research fellowship, Max-Planck Institute, Germany, 2009

2. Max-Planck research fellowship, Max-Planck Institute, Germany, 2009

3. The Outstanding Thesis Award of Chinese Chemistry Society, 2008

4. Taiwan International Graduate Program (TIGP) conference grant, 2008          

5. Selected as a participant in 1st HOPE meeting, Tsukuba, Japan. Awarded the medal from Dr. Leo Esaki (The Nobel Prize in Physics (1973), March, 2008.

6. The thesis award of Chinese Chemistry Society, 2003

7. The Best Poster Award in the 2nd International OLED and PLED Workshop held by Taiwan Organic and Polymer LEDs Association (TOPLEDA), Taipei, 2003


Research Grants

1.國科會新進人員研究計畫 (計畫主持人) 2010-2012; 計畫名稱以亞硼酸-甲苯磺醯基為骨架之化學探針分子的合成及其在醣蛋白純化與蛋白質交互作用上的應用;計畫編號

2.國立中山大學潛力研究群研究補助計畫 2011 (協同主持人)



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